5 Round Footwork Drill
Each round is 3 minutes with a 1 minute break in between rounds
Round 1. Circle left for 1min 30sec, circle right for 1min 30sec
Round 2. 4 Way drill for 1min 30sec, freestyle 1min 30sec
Round 3. Box Drill for 1min 30sec, freestyle 1min 30sec
Round 4. Angle Step left side 1min 30sec, angle step right side 1min 30sec
Round 5. Circle Out left side 1min 30sec, circle out right side 1min 30sec
This Drill can be done With or Without a heavy bag. Each Round is 3 minutes with a 1 minute break in between rounds
Round 1. Squared Stance Jab - Cross
Round 2. Staggered Stance Jab - Cross
Round 3. Staggered Stance Hook - Cross
Each round is 3 minutes with a 1 minute break in between rounds
Round 1 - Rear Kick
Round 2 - Switch Kick
Round 3 - Lead Teep
Round 4 - Rear Teep
As you advance add more rounds
Use your legs and bend with the knees, don't bend at the hips. Turn your shoulders as you slip
Slip Left
Slip Right
Repeat this pattern throughout your shadowboxing or mix it within your footwork drills